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Don’t Touch My Roy’s Chocolate Souffle


Roy’s of Hawaii, which has several locations across the United States, gets my vote for best dessert of the year. Roy’s famous Chocolate Souffle is so extraordinary, I refuse to share. It comes hot to your table, fresh from the oven. If you can’t wait like me, you’ll most likely to burn your tongue on the gooey sweet lava interior. You’re forewarned on the dinner menu to order this dessert ahead of time as it’s made to order. I orginally came here for this past Mother’s Day dinner and was just craving to get another bite of this souffle. This dessert comes with a side of ice cream and a stream of raspberry sauce, which balances out the richness of the souffle.

Chocolate souffle

As luck would have it, the recipe for the souffle are on little flyers at the front of the restaurant. Here it is:

8 oz. semi sweet dark chocolate (I suggest trying Valrhona or E.Guittard) 12 tbsp. butter 1 cup sugar 3 tbsp. cornstarch 4 eggs plus 4 egg yolks

In a mixing bowl combine sugar and cornstarch. Have the eggs and yolks mixed together in a separate bowl. In a saucepan bring butter to a simmer. Add chocolate and mix until smooth. Continue to mix until chocolate begins to simmer along the edges. Mix until combined. Add eggs and mix at low speed until mixture is smooth and sugar is dissolved. Pour into a bowl and refrigerate overnight.

Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees. Line each metal ring with a strip of parchment paper and spray with pan release. Place ring on a square of parchment paper then onto a baking sheet. Fill the ring 2/3rds with the filling. Bake for 28-30 minutes. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and while holding each mold with tongs, slide a metal spatula underneath and transfer to a plate. Gently lift off the mold and remove the parchment paper.

Serve immediately with ice cream. Serves 4

UPDATE 08/16/08. I had the pleasure of visiting Roy’s of Hawaii in Anaheim and I asked the waiter if he could tell me what chocolate the chef uses for the souffle. He came back in 5 minutes and told me that they use Guittard. Also, if you’ve tried the molten lava cake at Morton’s Steakhouse, Roy’s is the better bet. There’s a slight crunchy ‘skin’ on Roy’s dessert whereas Morton’s dessert has a more cakey texture and less chocolate flavor–they use Callebaut, I asked.

UPDATE 06/06/09. I met Roy Yamagichi! A few nights ago, I attended the Five Star Aloha Gala Affair honoring Roy Yamaguchi who received the Kuli I Ka Nu’u award which recognizes the actions and accomplishments of individuals who have added to the richness and diversity of Northern California and become leaders and role models for kama`aina (people with ties to Hawai’i) and Bay Area communities. I don't get star struck, but this night was an exception.

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607 Grant Ave

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